Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Downfall of society, etc.

So in my daily depressing webcrawl, I came across this beautiful nugget:

And if you're not seeing much that impresses you, how could education improve its responsibility to educate all students, including the Precious' of the world?

Seattle Times, is it REALLY too much to expect correct grammar in your article about EDUCATION?

...nah, you're chill.

Hello little boys and girls Rabies the Seal wants to be your new friend!!

Oh what's that? Nah you're chill on nightmares?

Can I Interest You in an Urkel DVD?

Nah, you're chill.

Try Not to Be the Next Hudgens

Hey Ruthy from 7th Heaven, you know:

Try not to be the next Vanessa Hudgens by slutting out too early, okay?

"Nah, you're chill."

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ms. Lohan, Do You Need a Shoe Horn?

Nah, you're chill.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say this dude pre-ordered his iPad months ago

I bet he was rocking shirts with Bill Gate's face in the 90's

Nah, you're chill.

NOTE to Steve Jobs: Take a good look at this photo, this maybe be the creeper posted outside your window at night.

Who doesn't want to be a millionaire? This bald 43-year-old unemployed math nerd who lives in his grandma's cockroach infested basement — that's who

Math 'genius' Grigory Perelman turns down prestigious international award and $1 mill check because he feels he already has everything he wants in life.

Nah you're chill and probably the next unabomber.

"This scene from the movie Twilight exemplifies the early stages of love."

Really, my little sister's Social Psych textbook? REALLY? You have let Twilight crawl its horrifying way into academia?


Prime Minister Putin, would you like a shirt?

Nah, you're chill.

Hey, want to hear breaking news about Ricky Martin?

Nah, you're chill.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Original 60s Barbie

How cute, you may say. The retro bathing suit! The basket! The sunglasses! The SOULLESS BLACK EYES.

Do I want this doll anywhere near me at all?

Nah, you're chill.

Image yoinked from Poketo.

Friday, March 12, 2010


“he rocked a pillow everyday”